Finding the right Support Worker

Disability support worker relationships

Ten years ago, Quad Care had the idea that we could do in-home support better.

Firstly we just listen. Sitting back and being brave enough to hear our clients. Brave enough to say no, brave enough not to have the answers for everyone, every time.

In our experience, nobody wants to need help. Yet, at the same time, we all crave connection and purpose, knowing that someone else gets us.

Better still, someone else gets the support we need, for the life we didn’t anticipate living.

Finding the right fit with support staff, is about being brave enough to let someone you think mightn’t be just right, to work with you and your family.

Finding the right fit is knowing when enough is enough, and you’re not getting what you need out of this workplace relationship.

Finding the right fit is being upfront and respectfully candid about the way you need things done.

No relationship is perfect, and every relationship to some extent has its season.

IWe understand that all staff, clients and family come their own story, agendas, hopes and dreams.

Finding the right fit in a support and staff relationship is about trial, error and communication, and knowing when to start fresh.

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