Social Activities: Innovative Community Participation

Movie evening

Movie evening

Participants enjoy a movie with snacks. Options provided before each session. Mix of older and newer movies provided. Will need a subscription service to be able to provide variety of movies.  


Archer st will be providing a safe and more suited place to view movies rather than the overstimulating and often inaccessible movie theatres. Accessibility, comfort, and direct support will be the key components to ensure this service is different from standard movie viewing. Additionally, movie viewing facilitates opportunities for individuals to engage in social groups with similar interests in a safe and neutral space.  

Knitting and Crotchet Group

Social gathering for participants to engage in knitting, crocheting, or sewing projects. Tea, coffee, snacks provided. Engage in knitting or just come for a chat and catch up.  


Knitting and crochet enable participants to use cognitive recognition of patterns and mobility of the hands. Additionally, knitting can be used as a buffer for social interaction of individuals. This activity’s target group is generally older individuals, though any age group should attend.  

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